FNF 2024’s cover image

Consolidating its position within the Fribourg economy, the life sciences sector boasts a rich ecosystem of leading companies, innovative start-ups, specialized institutes and competence centers. The 2024 edition of Fribourg Network Freiburg, the official magazine of the Fribourg Development Agency (FDA), highlights this dynamic sector, which includes pharmaceuticals, biotechnologies and medical devices. This year, the magazine is complemented by a ground-breaking study by BAK Economics, which assesses the economic impact of life sciences in the canton. Both publications were unveiled at an event at UCB Farchim in Bulle, one of Fribourg’s leading sites for scientific innovation.

The rapid development of life sciences is making a significant contribution to the diversification of the canton’s economy, while also fostering synergies with other industries. “Thanks to its ability to integrate innovative sectors, the canton of Fribourg has made life sciences a powerful driver of its economic development. The impact study shows that for every 100 francs generated in this sector, 27 more are generated in other industries, and that for every job created, another is added to the cantonal economy”, emphasizes Olivier Curty, State Councillor and Minister of Economic Affairs and Vocational Training.

The growth of life sciences in Fribourg is contributing to the canton’s strong positioning in the bioeconomy, and is also based on a close collaboration between academic institutions and industrial players, creating an environment conducive to innovation and sustainable growth. “Our strong foothold in Switzerland’s Health Valley enables us not only to anticipate global trends, but also to capitalize on our rich heritage. This winning combination places us at the forefront of innovation in fields such as biotechnology and green chemistry, consolidating our role as a leader in these areas,” asserts Jerry Krattiger, Managing Director of the FDA. This dynamism continues to reinforce Fribourg’s attractiveness on the international scene, attracting major talent and investment.



The 2024 edition of Fribourg Network Freiburg was unveiled at a special event organized by the FDA on Wednesday, September 4, 2024 at UCB Farchim in Bulle. The event brought together key players from the life sciences sector, with notable contributions from Fabrice Véricel (UCB) and Mathieu Resbeut (BAK Economics), who presented the results of an in-depth study on the importance of life sciences for the Fribourg economy. The round table, moderated by Michael Grass (BAK Economics), René Jenny (GRIP-Pharma), Maryline Marquet (EY), and Florence Pénicaud (UCB), provided an opportunity to discuss the sector’s challenges and opportunities.



Entitled “The importance of the Life Sciences sector for the economy of the canton of Fribourg”, the study carried out by BAK Economics in collaboration with the GRIP-pharma association, the Fribourg Development Agency and several companies in the sector (CSL Vifor, Medion Grifols Diagnostics, OM Pharma, UCB Farchim and Verfora), provides a detailed analysis of the importance of this industry for the Fribourg economy.

The study shows that the life sciences sector generated a total of CHF 1.96 billion in 2023, representing more than 10% of the cantonal economy, while employing almost 3,300 full-time equivalent (FTE) people. These figures testify to the remarkable performance of the industry, whose economic contribution has more than tripled over the past decade, and whose productivity per job is 3.2 times higher than the cantonal average.

For further details, BAK Economics has issued a separate press release.



Fribourg Network Freiburg (FNF) is the official magazine of the Fribourg Development Agency. Published since 2001, it provides information on the activities of companies, educational institutions (universities and universities of applied sciences), technology and innovation sites, as well as institutes and competence centers based in Fribourg. The magazine focuses on key themes such as the bioeconomy, industry 4.0, technology transfer and the construction sector.

Available in English, French and German, the digital version of FNF is supported by a modern website offering fluid, functional navigation. New editorial and multimedia content will be added to throughout the year.

The paper version, in English only, has a print run of 2300 copies and is distributed to international business circles, Swiss embassies and consulates abroad, as well as to the leading consulting firms and economic agencies in Europe, America and Asia.

The 2024 edition of Freiburg Network Freiburg is available from September 4, 2024.